Listening Notes


Thursday, September 8, 2011

New issue of HiFi'Zine out now

There's a new issue of HiFi'Zine out, this one containing my review of the Perreaux Audiant 80i plus lots of other goodies. It's now our 6th issue and there's more to come. We are always interested in new contributors, this is a forum for the hobbyist, the committed audiophile who spends his or her own money on the gear that matters for them.

I have a few more items in for review, including the Harbeth P3ESR (review in Dec issue) and am rewiring my rig with Wywires cables too. All this on top of having problems with my PS Audio PPP which has pooped out on me, with a $250 service fee plus shipping to have them look at it. Dear me, but this is the third PS Audio item that I've had to send back for repair. I like the company but I am getting tired of the reliability problems. Still keeping my PWT/PWD combo though as it is the best digital I've heard in my house. In the meantime, I've been rediscovering the sound of gear fed direct from the wall and I am wondering if the line conditioner really added much other than protection. More anon.

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