Listening Notes


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gary Moore, guitarist, dies

Blues for GreenyTo say I am saddened by this news would be an understatement but the BBC is reporting this morning that Gary Moore died last night in Spain. No cause of death has been mentioned and the official Moore website is down as I write. Hard to make too much of an audiophile case here but Moore was a really great guitarist even if he tended to overplay some of those blues (though unlike others, he never blanded out in the name of commerce). Seems he's been around all my life, from a wonderkid player in Thin Lizzy to a jazz rocker with Colliseum II,  then later a hard rock and blues player on his own and with others. Ozzy Osbourne famously described him as having 'a face like a welder's bench' but the man could play, and did play with some of the greats (Lynott, Bruce and Baker, Albert Collins, Peter Green etc). George Harrison remarked that Gary's playing made him feel 'like a skiffler' in comparison. Cue up Blues for Greeny and hear some of his tastier licks.  He was only 58. 

1 comment:

  1. uggh, I am just finding out about Gary's death. I have a pit in my stomach. I have a bunch of his CDs, I always admired his playing and singing. His album After Hours was always one of my favorites. His admiration to Peter Green was always at the forefront, and I loved his scorching blues sound. Bye, Gray. we're gonna miss you.
