Listening Notes


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Herbie's Audio Labs review now out

I spent the early part of this summer playing around with a variety of Herbie's Audio Labs (HAL) footers and vibration tweaks. The review is now out in the August edition of Affordable Audio. In short, these are winners --- cheap, reliable and effective. In my solid state system, the best improvements were found for:

  1. Speaker decouplers
  2. Tenderfeet, tall and regular under the CD player and amps
  3. Sonic stabilizers with the Tall Tenderfeet
I gained little from the addition of HAL-O's on the interconnects but YMMV. Given their low cost and more than generous return policy for those who want to trial these at home, I give HAL top marks.

1 comment:

  1. Herbie's Audio Lab's new website:

    Thank you,

    Steve Herbelin
    Herbie's Audio Lab
